Registration fee is 250 €, to be paid by Debit/Credit Card or PayPal online no later than June 13, 2025. The registration fee includes the participation to the Summer School and course materials.
The school can be attended both in presence (up to a maximum of 30 registrations) and remotely (up to a maximum of 30 additional students). In both cases, each student will have a connection to a PC of our computational lab (each student will have access to a single PC) for the exercises. The lessons will be delivered with the Microsoft Teams platform. The teachers will be in the classroom where all the PCs are present, so that they can support students in real time, checking and discussing the various problems with them.
Required documents
- Identity Document (PASSPORT in case you are a non-EU student)
- Enrolment Form
- Curriculum Vitae
You can perform the registration through the University online portal Alice, following the related instructions that you can find at the “How to apply” page. All the required documents specified above must be in pdf format in order to upload them on the portal when required.
Click here to see the “How to apply” page: you will find there the Enrolment Form and a registration tutorial.
After the receipt of acceptance notification, information about the payment will be sent to participants.
A maximum of 30+30 participants will be selected on the basis of the application date